Thursday, May 31, 2012

Splicing Audio for the Sake of Literacy

A Father's Day Poem

Day 1 of DMAC
(note my Ohio Buckeye color choice!)
  • Turns out, this is the last year I could have attended DMAC, as they are moving it to before Memorial Day after this year.  I cannot miss two weeks of work, so I feel lucky that I slipped in for the last June DMAC.
  •  The DMAC philosophy: people first, teaching and instruction next, and technology following to support both.  Good stuff.
  • Today's topic was literacy, and Cindy said that one of our challenges will be learning "how to be humble with the fact that you will be illiterate at some point in this institute."  A great reminder of the many modalities of literacy as well as a thought-provoking introduction to where we are heading.
  • We jumped right into production by recording and editing our literacy narratives.  After some cutting and splicing using Audacity, here is mine, already waiting for you at the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives.  I already have overcome some aspects of my audio illiteracy and am proud of the seamless splice between two audio tracks.  Just try to guess where it is!
  • For my future and more complicated audio work, Scott offered one key piece of wisdom: The more pieces of audio you have, the more creative and artful you can be in your crafting of a final product.  More (pieces) = less (restriction on what the final puzzle looks like).
Once you have listened to me literacy narrative, I thought you might enjoy reading the Strausberg Bardette's now famous poem ...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ohio Bound

I get in my car Wednesday morning westward bound for Ohio.  I have Middlesex on CD, a water bottle, and mountains to cross ... all things I will use to mentally close my teaching year and open my studying summer.  I am most excited about playing with audio and video in these next two weeks, something I have only barely explored on my own.  I have my headphones that cover my whole ear and a huge flashdrive -- I am loaded and ready!

(Image from The Best Motorcycle Roads in America)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Knowing What I Do Not Know

Federal Pass Not knowing is good. 

I start my AP English class every year by telling them that "confusion represents an advanced stage of understanding," wisdom from my first NCTE conference.  I wish I could remember the presenter's name to give him credit -- his words have liberated so many of my AP students from their worries that they need to know it all.  Those who know they are confused as they look forward know a great deal about where they are and what they already know.

I am taking my own advice as I head to DMAC: embracing the chance to wander paths, knowing I do not know where I will be going (well, I am going to Columbus, OH, but where will I intellectually go?) and knowing that what I do not know is much more important than what I do know.  Here is what I do not know about digital media and composition, what makes me confused.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Looking ahead to Columbus

I leave in one week for Columbus, Ohio, to attend the Digital Media and Composition Institute.  I have a full 13 days in front of me -- see my schedule!  I have started doing the readings plus have some early ideas for my final DMAC project.  Here are my thoughts in no particular order ... all tied to being very excited to go and PRODUCE projects based on all of my reading and study.