Sunday, February 15, 2009

Joining the Conversation

I have reworked my students' final research project on Othello to link more closely with what they will be expected to do in college and in any proposal or paper they have to write for their careers. I want them to see that anything they write is joining a conversation already happening, and that their goal is to listen to the conversation and offer a new voice. Having worked through the play using our ning, I wanted the paper to be a natural continuance of this conversation. In this way, research is done with the goal of responding back to it, whether through agreement and further examination or disagreement and formulation of new ideas. Here is what I have for the assignment sheet. My students start this in a few days, so I am looking forward to seeing what they do with the work. They have an amazing way of always doing even more than I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Susanne, I'm overwhelmed by what you are doing with the students in the NING and in general. I love the process of learning that I'm seeing. Thanks for making this transparent for us and our learning.
